Thursday, February 28, 2008


I think this project was easy compare to other projects Ms.Sackstein gave us during 1st and 2nd trimester. I think it was a good idea to do a project with technology because we are trying something new we haven't done before. Honestly, I thnk I had fun doing this project and would love to get another project like this in the future.


1.Stewart, Gail B."Thomas Gage"
The American Revolution .
Black Birch Press.2004.pg27.
2.Schmittroth, Linda.
American Revolution Primary Sources.Boston
The American Revolution.NY:
Harper Collins.2006.
4.Cumming, Scott,"The Patriot Resource:History American Revolutionary Era(1775-1781)",
5. NO author."The American Revolution".

statement of process

At least twice or three times a day, I worked on my blog project. I would work on at least 1 question a day. So to finish 1 post it took me 2 days because on the first day I would answer the question on the paper and on the second day I would post it. But I finish my project today which is Feb.28 and I think I am proud of it.=]]

(J) Would you be friends with your person now if he or she were still alive? Why or why not?

Thomas Gage is a British general. I think he is really wise, brave and determined.
If I were a British, I would have loved to be his friend, but of course if I were an American, I would have not wanted to be his friend. But I'm not an American and I am not a British. I think I would have wanted to be his friend if I lived in my country but I live in America so I don't really want to be his friend.

(I)10 vocabulary words

1. General-an officer of any of the five highest ranks
2. British-the people native to or inhabiting Great Britain
3. England-the largest division of the United Kingdom, constituting, with Scotland and Wales, the island of Great Britain.
4. courageous-possessing or characterized by courage; brave
5. persistent-determined
6. capable-having power and ability; efficient; competent
7. dedicated-wholly committed to something, as to an ideal, political cause, or personal goal
8. loyal-faithful to one's sovereign, government, or state
9. unyielding-Not giving way to pressure or persuasion
10. authority-the power to determine

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

(H)What does the person do for a living?

When Thomas Gage was living, he lived as a governor of Massachusetts and one of the British general. He was educated by going to school and right after he graduated from school he went into the army. Few years after being in army, he became a general. Another few years later, he was assigned to be a governor of Massachusetts.

(G)How does this person live?

In Firle, Sussex, England, I attended the prestigious Westminster School. I met John Burgoyne, Richard Howe, Francis Bernard, and George Sackville, who are my friends. We had good times together. After graduation, I joined the British Army. Then in 1755, I became a general.

Friday, February 8, 2008

(F) If this person had opposition, who were the persons foe?

I'm a British general so I have a lot enemies. The American generals of course hated the British generals so I guess I was hated by them too. All the American citizens were my enemies too. They hated me because I led the British armies to Lexington and Concord. I led the armies to the first battle of the Revolutionary War.

Monday, February 4, 2008

(E) What are at least 5 notable facts about your person?

1. Thomas Gage led the British troops in the first battle of the Revolutionary War.
2. In 1760, he became a governor of Montreal.
3. He was a governor of Massachusetts.
4. His wife was Margaret Kemble.
5. He died on April 2, 1787.

(D) How did he/she meet his/her death?

In April 1782, British General Thomas Gage was appointed colonel of the 17th light dragoons. In 1755, he was transferred to the 11th dragoons. But his health begun to fade away and after having a long illness. He died in April 2nd 1787 in Portland, England.