Wednesday, January 30, 2008

(C) What is this person "famous"or "infamous" for?

Okay, so this is asking me what I am famous for. I am a British general so I think I am famous for that. I also think I am famous for being a governor of Massachusetts at the beginning of the Revolutionary War. I think I also famous for leading the British troops in the first battle of the Revolutionary War.

Friday, January 25, 2008

(B) What role did he/she play in the building of our nation?

Thomas Gage, I played a few roles in the building of America. I was a military officer at first. Then I was an appointed commander appointed commander in chief of all British forces in North America. In 1774, I became a governor of Massachusetts.

(A)Who is your person and when and where was he/she born?

I am Thomas Gage. I was born in Firle, England. I was born in 1721, but Sorry to say I forgot the exact date I was born because I was too focused on winning the Revolutionary war. My father is a nobleman and he helped me get a good start on becoming a military officer. In 1758, I was married to my beautiful wife Margaret Kemble.